Reclaim Your Life and Thrive

Elevating your personal fulfillment

Coaching to Help You Show up for the real you 

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If you've found your way here, you might…

>…wonder where you and your happiness fit into your life anymore.>
>…find it challenging to trust your intuition and make decisions  confidently.
>...struggle to make time for your creative passions, personal growth, and self-care.
>…tire of saying yes, when you mean no (aka people-pleasing).
>…feel uncertain about your path and the decisions you need to make.
>...long for the confidence to pursue your big dreams and the clarity to make them happen without hesitation.
>...wish you could speak your mind without fear of judgment.
>...feel stagnant or stuck.
>...wonder if this is "all there is?
>...question your mantra that life is “good enough”.
>…feel the urge to pause and take stock of your life and trajectory. 

Sound familiar? You’re far from alone.

What ties these struggles together is the tendency to yield control to others, undermining your own agency and self-worth, However, recognizing this pattern is a significant first step towards change. I know first hand you can live years or even decades without realizing it, but your awareness shows you want more for yourself. This awareness is a powerful catalyst for the changes you want to create in your life. 

I come to this work with a lifetime of people-pleasing and 9 years of experience rebuilding my life, starting at almost 49. I am passionate about helping women on similar paths, and there are many of us.

If you want to reclaim your power and start prioritizing yourself, you’re in the right place.

Get to know me

I spent most of my life seeking love and approval from anyone but myself. I would do anything to avoid triggering someone else’s negative emotions, which required constant hypervigilance and ignoring my own feelings, needs, or wants. I hid parts of myself, self-censored, and molded myself into whatever would make someone else happier. Boundaries, seen as a threat to keeping the peace, were non-existent.

Believe me, I know what it’s like to be silenced.

I also know it’s possible to break the cycle and thrive. Over time, I learned to set boundaries, practice self-care, and discover what lights me up. I found and embraced my unique voice, which helped me become my best self-advocate.

I can help you become yours.

You deserve to be, express and honor your real self without fear or apology. 

a Certified Coach dedicated to helping women find their voice, make time for what truly lights them up &take charge of their
happiness and purpose.

Women over 40, it’s your turn to step into your power.

Hey, I'm Susan.

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Whether you are looking for 1:1 coaching, a DIY solution in the form of a step-by-step course, or would like to hire me to facilitate a group workshop, I look forward to supporting you on your journey.


what my clients are saying...


I was able to resolve a deep conflict around the continuation of my business in one session with one powerful question. Susan asks insightful, strong, yet simple questions that come from deep listening. They are “like magic”. During my sessions, I’m able to consistently resolve misunderstandings or questions around difficult subjects. I highly recommend Susan as a Coach and wish to be coached by her continually! 

Stacey McCarthy

Experiencing coaching sessions with Susan is both comforting and eye-opening. I’m continually surprised by the insights I gain from her intuitive questions. She creates an atmosphere of trust and emotional security that allows me to explore deeply.
In our work together, I’ve been able to connect deeply with my intuition regarding how to grow my business in a way that feels authentic. 

Molly ward

Susan is very personable which provided a sense of comfort to me, enabling me to be honest with myself (and her). There was an “ah ha” moment that energized us both and not only did I enjoy sharing that moment with her, it helped me recognize the value of letting myself be free to explore and verbalize my goals and preferences.

Linda Overberg

I truly enjoyed my coaching experience with Susan. She asked great questions, which led to some big but simple reminders about where I find inspiration. I can honestly say that I’m excited about what’s to come in my 50s and beyond. Here as my creative, inquisitive self. Someone who is so much more than any one job. Ready to enjoy whatever comes my way!

Hayley Rowe

Susan's story is quite inspiring & it's only natural that she'd make an incredible life coach because of it & her extensive background! She is a great role model for women who want to up-level their life, career, relationships or life purpose. Book a call with her, you won't regret it!

Sharon Spenn

While working with Susan, I had an epiphany regarding the structure of my own practice that has led to expanded possibilities and a new niche market. In addition to being a great listener, Susan has a gentle yet effective way of asking questions that caused me to "think deep". That introspection was the contributing factor to both greater insights and meaningful results. 

Marybeth Healy

I’m so grateful for my time with Susan, she provides an open, inviting space asking direct and insightful questions. Her curiosity helps me to reach my goal each session. Susan has a gentle, comforting energy, a wise presence capable of evoking awareness and offering support. 

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On the blog

Want to make sense of the changes happening in your life? These prompts will help you journal your way through it. Grab your art supplies and get exploring!

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