Redefine the terms & conditions of your life

Rip up the social contract of “shoulds”

You’re feeling dulled after years of living a perfectly planned picture of equal parts family life and ambitious career advancement.

And that vibrant sense of possibility you had 20, 30 years ago? It feels like a dream you can’t quite remember - hazy around the edges, colored by an unidentifiable emotional longing.

You don’t need a day at the spa, a renewed gym membership, or an edgy new haircut in an effort to find yourself — 

What you need is to get back in touch with your intuition

Book a call

Book a call

That sense of urgency or restlessness? It comes from within. A message from your body saying now is the time to fulfill your dreams or let them go.  

And after years of sisyphean efforts, and utter depletion of your sense of self, you’re ready to put it all down and make your own identity and happiness a priority.

Simultaneously fulfill traditional AND modern gender roles? An impossible task.

Raised by Baby Boomer parents with traditional gender expectations, you came of age when girls were sold the idea that we could have and do it all: family and career. And don’t forget to do it with a smile. 

Yet that once shiny career has lost its luster, and in newly found pockets of space you see the cost of these dual paths laid out for you in a new, unflattering light.

After years of unquestioningly accepting the expectations of supermom plus career woman, you long to rediscover your truest self.

You proudly postponed your own needs to be on the sidelines (literally and metaphorically) of everyone else’s life. Life snowballed, as it does, and your needs slowly faded away leaving only a wispy memory of what you truly needed in the first place. 

You really tried to DO IT ALL

what my clients are saying...

Linda Overberg

I truly enjoyed my coaching experience with Susan. She asked great questions, which led to some big but simple reminders about where I find inspiration. I can honestly say that I’m excited about what’s to come in my 50s and beyond. Here as my creative, inquisitive self. Someone who is so much more than any one job. Ready to enjoy whatever comes my way!

Hayley Rowe

Susan's story is quite inspiring & it's only natural that she'd make an incredible life coach because of it & her extensive background! She is a great role model for women who want to up-level their life, career, relationships or life purpose. Book a call with her, you won't regret it!

Marybeth Healy

I’m so grateful for my time with Susan, she provides an open, inviting space asking direct and insightful questions. Her curiosity helps me to reach my goal each session. Susan has a gentle, comforting energy, a wise presence capable of evoking awareness and offering support. 

Molly ward

Susan is very personable which provided a sense of comfort to me, enabling me to be honest with myself (and her). There was an “ah ha” moment that energized us both and not only did I enjoy sharing that moment with her, it helped me recognize the value of letting myself be free to explore and verbalize my goals and preferences.

Stacey McCarthy

Experiencing coaching sessions with Susan is both comforting and eye-opening. I’m continually surprised by the insights I gain from her intuitive questions. She creates an atmosphere of trust and emotional security that allows me to explore deeply.
In our work together, I’ve been able to connect deeply with my intuition regarding how to grow my business in a way that feels authentic. 

Sharon Spenn

While working with Susan, I had an epiphany regarding the structure of my own practice that has led to expanded possibilities and a new niche market. In addition to being a great listener, Susan has a gentle yet effective way of asking questions that caused me to "think deep". That introspection was the contributing factor to both greater insights and meaningful results. 


I was able to resolve a deep conflict around the continuation of my business in one session with one powerful question. Susan asks insightful, strong, yet simple questions that come from deep listening. They are “like magic”. During my sessions, I’m able to consistently resolve misunderstandings or questions around difficult subjects. I highly recommend Susan as a Coach and wish to be coached by her continually! 

No matter what, it is - without question - about putting your needs and wants first and foremost.

Write that weird psychological thriller, brimming with twists and turns that never felt “good enough” to put to paper.

Take that master gardener class, create a rain garden, transform your yard into an oasis of tranquility with native plants - all just for you.

Hike the El Camino with a friend - or on your own (without guilt!)

Pick up a paint brush or trowel or camera and experiment with wild abandon until you unearth the creative niche that propels you towards your most authentic self-expression.

You could:

It’s a matter of unchecking the box you’ve been put in your whole life. (Hell, why not just delete it while you’re at it?)

You can HAVE IT ALL — this time, on your terms

It’s easy to miss the disappearance of our own identity in the blur of raising little humans, climbing the corporate ladder, and playing the compassionate wife, sister, daughter, friend, and all of the roles we play - dutifully, unknowingly adopted.

It’s time to shed the roles handed to you and decide for yourself who you want to be.

Book a call

Coaching is a partnership - 
And your coaching experience is unique to you

Over the following 4 months, we’ll meet for 12 sessions.

My methodology integrates creative exploration exercises to tap into your intuition. Much of what we seek—our needs, desires, limiting beliefs, and identity— isn’t accessible by thinking harder. By engaging the right brain alongside holistic coaching principles addressing internal and external facets, we’ll get right to the core of your priorities.

During our initial call, we’ll delve into your main objective, making sure to uncover its underlying essence.

We’ll recognize its importance and, if needed, adjust your comprehensive goals for our collaboration. We’ll then tease out how to tailor our session structure to best align with your style and preferences.

My coaching approach

What I won’t do? Tell you what you should do.

Because we’ve all had enough of that bullshit, haven’t we? And, that’s not coaching. 

We’ll do periodic check-ins on your progress as we go along and as we approach the end of our 4 month, we’ll assess if our work feels complete. Some clients have gotten what they need in 4 months and some choose to continue coaching with me for another 4 months or more.

Between sessions I’m available via email for accountability, hi-fives, and you-got-this encouragement. 

Book a call

Book a call

You’ll get crystal clear on your external and internal goals, your ‘what’ and your ‘why’, your goals and your soul, allowing you to chart a roadmap for where you’d like to be - mind, body & soul, in the world, what you’d like to be doing and how you’d like to be feeling. 

You will explore what matters most to you, away from external expectations and opinions, which means you’ll be able to find and integrate any lost or dormant parts of yourself into your daily life and future plans. 

You’ll discern the difference between your own deep WHY and ideas projected onto you and understand that honoring your intuition doesn’t negate anyone else’s - meaning you’ll finally be able to define your own path on your own terms, without guilt.

You’ll freely explore yourself through creative exercises and powerful questions, while embracing ambiguity, trusting your intuition, and releasing concerns about others opinions.

The result? You’ll be able to embrace your uncensored self-expression without apology. (In other words, proudly fly your freak flag!) 

Together we define what it means for you to HAVE IT ALL

The investment:

Over the course of our 4-month engagement, you’ll have access to my knowledge, experience, training, focused presence, utter confidence in you, respect for who you are, right now, empathy, and spidey intuition.

The Nuts & bolts:

  • (12) 45-60 min 1:1 private sessions over the course of 4 months.
  • Email support between sessions
  • Exercises, visualizations, worksheets, reflection prompts - customized based on need or application
  • 10% discount and advance notice of creative workshops - Art Journaling, Open Studio Process, etc.


*This is what I consider the standard rate for my services. In an effort to ease financial barriers to coaching, I do offer a sliding scale for those who wish to engage in this work and could not otherwise afford it. Additionally, for those who are in a financial position to assist, I offer a community care rate that helps to subsidize the discounted rate. We’ll discuss your individual needs on our discovery call.

what my clients are saying...

Sharon Spenn

While working with Susan, I had an epiphany regarding the structure of my own practice that has led to expanded possibilities and a new niche market. In addition to being a great listener, Susan has a gentle yet effective way of asking questions that caused me to "think deep". That introspection was the contributing factor to both greater insights and meaningful results. 

Molly ward

Susan is very personable which provided a sense of comfort to me, enabling me to be honest with myself (and her). There was an “ah ha” moment that energized us both and not only did I enjoy sharing that moment with her, it helped me recognize the value of letting myself be free to explore and verbalize my goals and preferences.

Stacey McCarthy

Experiencing coaching sessions with Susan is both comforting and eye-opening. I’m continually surprised by the insights I gain from her intuitive questions. She creates an atmosphere of trust and emotional security that allows me to explore deeply.
In our work together, I’ve been able to connect deeply with my intuition regarding how to grow my business in a way that feels authentic. 


I was able to resolve a deep conflict around the continuation of my business in one session with one powerful question. Susan asks insightful, strong, yet simple questions that come from deep listening. They are “like magic”. During my sessions, I’m able to consistently resolve misunderstandings or questions around difficult subjects. I highly recommend Susan as a Coach and wish to be coached by her continually! 

Hayley Rowe

Susan's story is quite inspiring & it's only natural that she'd make an incredible life coach because of it & her extensive background! She is a great role model for women who want to up-level their life, career, relationships or life purpose. Book a call with her, you won't regret it!

Marybeth Healy

I’m so grateful for my time with Susan, she provides an open, inviting space asking direct and insightful questions. Her curiosity helps me to reach my goal each session. Susan has a gentle, comforting energy, a wise presence capable of evoking awareness and offering support. 

Linda Overberg

I truly enjoyed my coaching experience with Susan. She asked great questions, which led to some big but simple reminders about where I find inspiration. I can honestly say that I’m excited about what’s to come in my 50s and beyond. Here as my creative, inquisitive self. Someone who is so much more than any one job. Ready to enjoy whatever comes my way!

Book a call

Get to know me

I can help you do this.

I help Gen X women reprioritize themselves and reboot their lives, free from the social conditioning that got us here in the first place.

As a certified Holistic Life Coach, I use art-as-self-discovery together with holistic coaching principles to get right to the core of your identity and what matters most to you.

By activating the right brain, you can blow past the limitations of the thinking brain and into your 6th sense/intuition where we hold SO much knowledge, if we could just get quiet enough to hear it. And listen to it. And trust it. 

ICF Credentialed Coach, ACC | Certified Holistic Life Coach | Member, International Coaching Federation (ICF) | Master of Business Administration (MBA) | Bachelor of Fine Arts, Design (BFA) | Certified Facilitator of the Open Studio Process | Multi-media Artist

Hey there, I’m Susan Young.

The holistic coach by your side

Frequently asked questions

This all sounds great, but isn’t prioritizing myself and “putting my needs first and foremost” selfish?

This all sounds great, but isn’t prioritizing myself and “putting my needs first and foremost” selfish?

The short answer: “hell no”.

The long answer: Women have been (and continue to be to some extent) applauded, praised, and put on a pedestal for being “absolutely selfless”. Positive reinforcement mastery! When women show our strength, speak our minds, and assert ourselves as equals, we often face not only direct criticism but also subtle tactics aimed at projecting guilt onto us. With the pervasiveness and intensity of these projections, it's all too easy for us to unknowingly take on this unwarranted guilt. What we absolutely need to reject is the idea that our needs come last, only to be addressed if, by some miracle, there's leftover time - HA! - and nobody else needs anything. It’s imperative that we take care of ourselves - which includes time to engage in fulfilling pursuits, exercise, relax - if we are to be our best selves to love and be there for the loved ones in our lives. 

How could I possibly justify this investment? 

How could I possibly justify this investment? 

See above ;) 

Investing money into our own wellbeing and personal development also veers into taboo territory. Let’s cut to it: you matter. You are just as worthy as any other human of investing in your holistic health and getting support to self-actualize and be your best self. 

What if this sounds good but I don’t even know what I want?       

What if this sounds good but I don’t even know what I want?       

Perfect! You’re not alone and that’s why we start with deep self-discovery to unearth your core identity. Who are you now? With this new understanding, we explore what really matters to you most and why. And if you know exactly who you are, we’ll just dive into what’s next and why.


You talk about using creative exercises. WHAT IF I DON’T HAVE A CREATIVE BONE IN MY BODY? 

First, let’s set the record straight. You are creative, even if your stick figures fall down. You absolutely do not need to consider yourself creative or have any art experience of skill of any kind. In fact, it’s often easier to explore freely without an art background. 

I’m passionate about the role that creativity plays in self-discovery AND my coaching is never prescriptive and is always tailored to individual preferences, learning styles, etc. That said, there is growth in discomfort. And since coaching is all about forward-looking solutions, it’s a natural component in a coaching relationship.

I already know what I want to do, why would I hire a coach?

I already know what I want to do, why would I hire a coach?

That’s fantastic, I’m so happy to hear it! 

Question: What brings you into the FAQ details?

Coaching isn’t just about the discovery. It’s also about the tools, resources, and accountability of having someone outside yourself whose sole job is supporting you.

You deserve to feel excited by the life you’re living and the future ahead of you.

After years of silencing my own intuition, I know firsthand the power of rediscovering your inner desires and creativity. I understand how difficult it can be to consider your own wants and needs first. Challenging the cultural scripts and really believing your wants and needs are worthy of consideration is no small feat. This isn’t a quick weekend retreat where you feel amazing Saturday and the dread of “real life” starts creeping in Sunday. This is about reconnecting with your deepest, most authentic self and listening to what she has to say to you.

Book a call

In just 90 minutes, we’ll tackle whatever you need to sort out right now. Gain valuable insights, actionable steps, and a renewed sense of clarity and relief. Experience firsthand what it’s like to work together and envision the potential transformation awaiting you over the next 4 months.

Prefer to start with a taster? 
Then book one of these one-off sessions.

creative breakthrough session


  • 90-minute Zoom session
  • Pre-call and post-call shared Google Doc - to glean the most value
  • 7 days post-call email support

The investment: $225

Book a session